Monday, July 15, 2013

Mbarara Report


Dear friends,
receive our special appreciation for your prayers over the Mbarara Seminar, we ended very well Friday and left same night for Kampala: The Lord provided us with enough food for all the three days but we ran out of training manuals so we had to resort to sharing among students.
        Some of the most memorable moments was to see participants spread in small groups across the compound presenting sermons; Students preached from set pieces using the Inductive method and our hearts leapt in joy to see how far they had come.
       A couple of women leaders from different churches across the town attended the training, most came resigned because they did not know how to teach but by the end of the seminar, they were the most excited group. During practical sermon sessions, we allowed women to form their own small groups and gave each a chance to present a sermon, it worked very well! we will dedicate ourselves to providing quality training to all women ministers who attend our seminars so they can help others in the villages.
      My team appreciates your prayers and giving that made this seminar possible.