
Seven Years ago, the Lord revealed to me something I had been struggling with for years, I needed to present good sermons and did every thing I could. i listened to recorded messages and tried to go preach it the same way, each time I would finish with a disappointment because the message did not flow the way it sounded in the tapes neither did it have the same impact on the people the way it sounded in the tapes. 

Our group then had the privilege to host an inductive bible Study Seminar that year where I was also translating for the instructors. As the seminar went on into its 3rd day I could see that everything I used to struggle with about my studies was being made easy for me. I discovered it wasn't about reading commentaries or sermons or even listening to tapes but that I could actually produce these studies right from my Bible with any other aid. 

That Same year, I started to use the method in preparing messages for our church on Sunday. I started teaching book by book and I could see that the results were really massive in transforing lives at church.  Ayear after that, I started sharing with other pastors and leaders what I had learnt and soon seminars became very popular, churches and groups started inviting me to go and teach the seminars to them. Requests started coming from other African contries also where I would also move and teach. 

The need for the seminars has grown and so are needs for the teachers. I have therefore started recruiting a few men and women to help spread the method to different locations of Africa, our aim to being to train and equip local pastors and church leaders to reach their own people with accurate teaching of God's Word!

We are not affiliated to any church or sending organisation. While we abide by our statement of faith, The Word for Africa seeks to serve all churches and denominations. Our purpose is to teach church leaders how to study the Word and To motivate them to feed their flock through systematic Bible study.


Todate, we have taught seminars in (13) countries listed below: This is where our work is concentrating
 Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Southern Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, 
Zambia, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo, 
Liberia, Central African Republic.